Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It's hard for me to get truly excited about something. Recently I am though... after exams, out to Fowlers Gap it is for a month to construct an arts studio for my uni... It'll be like camp! No phone coverage and no internet though... 100km from Broken Hill... Total isolation.

Looks really desert like and there's a lake next to where we will building... I hope I don't get eaten alive by bugs.

Man I'm so pumped for this.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Best Night

Had a primary school reunion last night... I came back home at 7:30am this morning having no sleep at all... It was really really really really good. I would say it was almost the best if not the best night I've had of partying. So many people remembered me... and I remembered them despite no contact for 10 yrs... I mean... their faces changed... some not much... some a lot... and it became a game for recognizing each other.

Ming-Him... I haven't been called that for agesss... haha so affectionate when people called me that. Some had babies, babies on the way... some just bought houses... Feels so good to know such a diverse range of people. If it weren't for this common link of same school... I don't think I would have met these people.

The link between us was so close. It's almost as if everyone was best of friends... drinking... dancing... chatting. Massive group hug that seemed so innocent and simple. A fight erupted at the 12:30am when the RSL closed... cops came to seperate, after that set back.... everyone shook it off, and a lot went to Peakhurst pub. More dancing and drinking involved.

A few lifts and driving to Maccas for a mid night craving followed then back to my good friend's place to eat and chill until the morning, chatting and just kicking back. Feels good.