In layman's terms, site investigation in a geotechnical (studying rocks and soils and their behaviour) engineering always consists of guessing what type of material is below the ground surface of your construction site. So from walking around the site, we might be able to get some hints as to what's underneath. This guess is then checked by drilling holes to check what's really underneath. So why guess? Well my lecturer points out unless you're looking for specifics, you will never really get a detailed plan of what's underneath. He has some quote about, if you're just looking with no direction then you only "observe" but if you do have a direciton then you "see".
So anyway, this Paine Reserve is situated on Botany and Rainbow street of Randwick.

We wrote a lot of notes and made some measurements. It's amazing how we can look back so far just by looking at something so simple. These rocks we were seeing were millions of years old.
Sand and soil get dumped in layers, and so you can see here, the horizontal layers on the rock, well not really... too small? Anyway it's slightly tilted now, so that means the ground moved somehow due to past plate tectonics. So what we ended up seeing is folds in the rock, meaning the earth underneath would be just as wavey as well, that means the rock is strong in different directions. See the picture under? It's wavey! Anyway we kept reading compass bearings and directions and mapped the whole place out.
After that was done, it was straight to Macquarie Uni! Conception Day is today! I haven't taken a bus from UNSW for ages, ended up waiting for an express bus that took longer to start than other city buses. Oh well, I didn't mind waiting, no rush I guess.
Hopped onto a train at Central to Chatswood station. Haven't been on that red line for a while, and certainly haven't been to the new renovated Chatswood station! I wanted to take the train straight to Macquarie Uni. Haven't been on that train stop either... so a lot of new experiences. I remember going to MQ uni before by getting off at Epping station then taking a bus, or a bus direct from QVB.
Macquarie uni station! It looks pretty awesome, imagine all the work gone into making this station... just mapping the rock defects, guessing what's underneath, site investigations for the tunnel and all... that would have been a large amount of work, and the less accurate about their predictions, the more expensive the project is going to be. To make sure the road and buildings above aren't going to collapse down, tunnelling is not going to shake the buildings... and the anesthetics of the station, it's pretty good I think!
Well I got to MQ uni, and after eating a big fat Oporto lunch with lots of oil, I was ready to drink hard and immerse myself in this legendary party I have heard so much about but never been. The line to get in was amazing... Quite long... below is only just a tiny section of the line too!
So how was the party? I didn't like it. Maybe for a few reasons:
- Time of party
- Queue cutters to the bar
- Music
- Lack of close friend company
- No hot chicks
Music? Everyone has different tastes to music. That's why I suggest if you are going to have multiple dance floors, have different genres. Forcing a one size fits all does not do well. From trance to hardcore trance... I don't think so pal. Let me conduct a survey:
What type of music do you prefer at a club/party?
A) RnB
B) RnB
C) RnB
D) RnB
It seems that from the results, 100% agree on me that RnB is the way to go. Not only is it a "modern" feel, it is the most less controversial. What do you mean? Most music these days can be classified as rock/RnB. Sure, like I said, different tastes, some really hate RnB, (idiots) but! We just need a regular beat, nothing too fancy, just so we can bounce around, bob, or get into what is known as the "party vibe". Trance...please... unless you know a bit of Shuffling, is just a bit weird to dance to, or even just relate or heaven forbid... sing to. Weighting was slightly higher on this as it sets the mood and gives people to do. Oh yes, the bands, wolfmother ok.. but that Jack Ladder guy that just echoes? Come on. Better quality music, but most importantly, different genres of music. (RnB)
Lack of close friend company was my fault mainly so very little weighting was placed on this. The most weighting was "no hot chicks". Though there were some very-short-skirt-so-I-can-see-butt-cheeks... the average quality overall wasn't good to say the least. I'm just joking folks... Who am I to judge? I'm not that superficial... but seriously... it weighed the most.
In conclusion: On a scale of 0 to 10, the party was around a 4 or a 5... Has potential, but not that awesome.
I left at 6pm, and I went to Chatswood to eat at Makoto, a sushi train. I wasn't full when I finished, but I knew if I keep going I would be broke. Man sushi trains sure are expensive. It was good though. Last time I had Makoto was in the city, on my 19th birthday. That time i ate 50 dollars or 60.... Kha and I were seeing how much we can eat... He won in the end, but still it was fun... and hell expensive. Here's an old photo recap:
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